Inspire. Connect. Engage.

Connect with your local landscape.

Example Topics

Introduction to Organic Gardening

This is a hands on series of lectures about the basics of gardening using organic methods. This series is best suited for beginning gardeners. Learn the basics and how to get started in your area.

Organic Design

Learn how to manage your landscape with proper planning and design principles. Discover info about soil management and native plants and how they can be incorporated into your design.

Landscaping and Water Protection

Learn how to protect water sources and habitats. Introduction to water gardens and water management around your land.

Apple Orchard Management

A look at growing apples at Bird of the Hand Farm, an organic orchard in Sterling, MA managed by Cathy. Topics include organic pest management, fruit production, and overall tree care.

Organic Lawn Management

Learn simple ways of growing healthy, lush lawns. Highlights include: organic pest management, organic fertilizers, and reducing chemicals in our everyday lives. 

Building Healthy Soil

Learn about the soil web, beneficial insects, and the organisms that help keep your soil alive and invigorated with life nurturing nutrients. 

Local Medicinal Plants

Three beautiful native perennials are described in detail: goldenseal, black cohosh, and bloodroot. Learn all about these local medicinal plants and how to properly use them. 

Poison Ivy Management

Poison Ivy is a problem plant for many people who have allergic reactions to it. Learn how to properly manage poison ivy and how to encourage native plants that will be much better for your landscape.

Orchard Research with MA DCR

Interested in more info, or scheduling a workshop or lecture?

Would you or your organization like to learn more about organic gardening? Cathy will teach you about a variety of organic methods and help connect you to your local landscape.